Yeah, that's exactly what it is. Sweet Geebus, look at this:

Crisp. First of all, that is some effing great lighting on this and the overall shot. And man, I love a great coat, I swear I do. Especially when worn by Tom Hardy with those lips. I think we all remember those lips from Nemesis, too---What, huh?? Right, back to coats... But yeah, I've always had a thing for the navy-style, or pea coat. I think this one is a bit longer, (saw a different picture of the same shoot) so I forget what you'd technically call the longer ones, buuuuuuut... doesn't matter, cause Tom Hardy's lips!! And the rest of him. Wonder if I will repeat that pic from JGL's post....

Dunno, lemme see,is Tom Hardy in it?? Bam! -->
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