Welcome to the site dedicated to The WDM.
Welcome to the site dedicated to The WDM.
During conversations, I'm often stopped and asked, "What is a 'WDM'??" -----> WDM = Well-Dressed Male
A term I thought up years ago, after realizing how many men don't know or care how to dress well. The scene so sparse in fact that when a nicely dressed boy was actually spotted, the sighting sparked a tiny celebration amongst us girls.
That's what this blog is about, appreciating boys in nice outfits. It's pretty simple.
My WDMs range from Modern (suits, street/casual wear) to Period costuming to Fantasy and Cosplay costuming. My only requirement is that you be male, and that I like your style, whatever it is. We applaud you all for caring about what you look like. Or appearing to care about what you look like. :D
Also expect to see hair-related posts.. I'm a fan of boys with fun/nice/interesting hair.
I use my term 'WDM' to promote a good thing, going forth through the internet with images taken from red carpet events, videos, magazines, films, shows, candids, whatever! to use those pics for good, and not evil.
Awesome for your eyeballs. You're welcome.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Yes everyone is after something... And I found six of them in Takers. That's more than Inception, wows...
At a premiere. My favorite here is Idris. I LOVE Idris and his three-piece ensemble. The hat!!! So awesome.
...and then there's Hayden. Not better styling than his character, but then it's definitely better than Anakin-wear!
If I get my hands on a copy of this on, I'm doing some caps. I need more pics of all of these guys' costumes.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Won Bin
For starters, again with the cig. Thumbs down to making out with cigs going on, let's clean it up, Won!!
I should also add that I love his hair.
Have I mentioned that I enjoy boys who accessorize? Like the wrist
wear on Won here, and the white belt.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Leonardo DiCaprio - Inception
I've always liked Leo. That Leo backlash some years back, was dumb. Let's backlash against people who actually deserve it, like Paris and/or Perez. Not against people who do this:
Leo's character Cobb wore a bit of Casual WDM in the movie, and a closer look at some of that would reveal the nice articles of clothing and the tailoring. Don't have to be wearing a tie to be WDM!

I like this pic. I like to imagine that they are on filming break,
and Ken and Leo are discussing how good they look.
And Tom is ignoring them because he already knows how good he looks.

I like these jackets. Way to look Casually "thuggish" in perfectly tailored leather!
And when Leo wasn't Casual, he was also awesome:

The Beretta compliments the suit, as it should.

My favorite thing worn by Cobb is not really seen well until the end!! So sad. It was that beautiful suit he wore for the plane ride:

But! He came out of the jacket on the plane. But still this is nice, that pattern on both the shirt and tie are a nice compliment to that jacket. Which you see...
Back on him at the airport! I. Love.This. Suit.

I couldn't find a full body shot from the film, but I found some behind-the-scenes:
I don't know if there will be a bunch of costuming extras on the DVD/BluRay discs are not, but
I'll tell you what I do know...
If Inception doesn't get a buttload of GG and/or Oscar noms, we're going OFF...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tom Hardy

Yeah, that's exactly what it is. Sweet Geebus, look at this:

Crisp. First of all, that is some effing great lighting on this and the overall shot. And man, I love a great coat, I swear I do. Especially when worn by Tom Hardy with those lips. I think we all remember those lips from Nemesis, too---What, huh?? Right, back to coats... But yeah, I've always had a thing for the navy-style, or pea coat. I think this one is a bit longer, (saw a different picture of the same shoot) so I forget what you'd technically call the longer ones, buuuuuuut... doesn't matter, cause Tom Hardy's lips!! And the rest of him. Wonder if I will repeat that pic from JGL's post....

Dunno, lemme see,is Tom Hardy in it?? Bam! -->
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Joseph Gordon-Levitt