Welcome to the site dedicated to The WDM.
Welcome to the site dedicated to The WDM.
During conversations, I'm often stopped and asked, "What is a 'WDM'??" -----> WDM = Well-Dressed Male
A term I thought up years ago, after realizing how many men don't know or care how to dress well. The scene so sparse in fact that when a nicely dressed boy was actually spotted, the sighting sparked a tiny celebration amongst us girls.
That's what this blog is about, appreciating boys in nice outfits. It's pretty simple.
My WDMs range from Modern (suits, street/casual wear) to Period costuming to Fantasy and Cosplay costuming. My only requirement is that you be male, and that I like your style, whatever it is. We applaud you all for caring about what you look like. Or appearing to care about what you look like. :D
Also expect to see hair-related posts.. I'm a fan of boys with fun/nice/interesting hair.
I use my term 'WDM' to promote a good thing, going forth through the internet with images taken from red carpet events, videos, magazines, films, shows, candids, whatever! to use those pics for good, and not evil.
Awesome for your eyeballs. You're welcome.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Much Ado About Nothing - Uniforms
I may have mentioned once or twice, or many times, that I do love uniforms. Really, in many cases, it's instant WDM.
It's hard to screw up a uniform. Guys, they've already made it awesome, you just have to put it on and make it yours. You may recognize a few of these boys from Much Ado...
There's something very appealing about this picture...
Let's all just continue to stare at it until we figure out what it is....
Ah! Got it. Bad -ass period costuming! Nice.
Thanks, Denzel! (And what's-his face-from House)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Gaius Baltar of Battlestar Galactica
worry, it's just another Cylon invasion...
Oh, Gaius, without you, where would BSG be?? Not nearly as hilarious, brilliant, or interesting, that's where. My God, how many times have laughed Pepsi right up my nose? How many times....
I especially loved the striped piece he wore later in the show, memorable for when Caprica was having visions of Gaius.
Another fav color combo of mine: Black/Gray/White/Red I like the classic gray pinstripes on this, but the added red stripe makes it. Add the wine -colored shirt underneath and pow!, we got DRADIS contact.
And because I'm also a hair stuff fan, I did miss it when he shaved the beard and went back to shorter hair. At times he would have an unkempt look which was extra-adorable, particularly when he was scheming.
And I have to add, James Callis is downright edible in person. Thanks for being BSG's WDM!
Brad Pitt
During the Best Suit voting for the 2011 Golden Globes, while perusing the pics I noted that while there was only one picture for each of the other guys in their suits , there were two pics of Brad. And I thought, well well...why the extra pic for Brad, eh? Favoritism?? And then I remembered that I hadn't even done a post on Brad yet for the WDM blog. And was ashamed.
I may not have thought you deserved two pics for that suit contest, Brad, but you are a WDM. Smoked our faces off with this:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Dude, it's cold out there!!! Let's Warm Up...
He's even got the glovesand the scarf. Way to stay well-
dressed AND warm, Will!! That's why you're a winner.

Remember this coat from another Jared Leto post?? Well, I actually did find a
full length pic of it. Go me! Yeah, I REALLY like this coat.

Jamie Foxx is proof that lawyers just don't get cold. And we
likes the pattern on this coat.

Oh, David. Really? A vest ensemble, AND that gorgeous coat??
And the cap?? AND the cute kid?? Impossible.

The Joker. No one will ever wear a kick ass purple coat like this
as well as he did. With his gloves and coat, and arson and
bombings, I'm sure he kept warm!

Blair "Prez of the United F$!king States" Underwood??... Is not cold.
Thank you.

Winter weather, you are powerless against this man.
to keep him warm, will never be cold. You go, Justin.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
On the runway...
Rohit Bal
This one is my fav!
Rocky S.
Manoviraj Khosla.
I do like the trim and tie patterns playing off each other in this.
Robert Downey - Golden Globes 2011
While he was onstage sharing a laugh with the audience (while simultaneously totally calling Ricky Gervais on his questionable performance for the 2011 GGs), Robert was looking amazing in gray/white and red. I do love that combo. There are few colors I like blended with red, gray is one of them!

He took the glasses off, but had them on for other shots.
I'm a fan of his eyewear. Sexy, magic glasses.

Great closeup of the couple!
I did see Susan's dress this year, and it made me wonder if she dressed down,
intentionally. I really hope not. Don't start doing that Susan, shine,
girl, SHINE. :) Her dress last year was fantastic.

♥ Love and sexy magic ♥
This picture, for some reason, makes me very happy. :D
When ARE these two gonna do something together, huh???
